Thursday, June 5, 2008

New World of Music

From last weeks discussion that we had on the new styles of music and mixing different cultural melodies, I began thinking of my own experiences. My parents were born in Russia, and I still carry the culture here in America, even though I was born here. Art and music is big and Russia, and listening to some of the music over time, it has adopted new styles and even brought in other languages into its own songs. I think its interesting and not necessarily, as the argument was in class, that it is a symbol of it losing its own culture. With changing times and the world become so small, people dont belong to just one culture any more. Nowadays you ask someone what their heritage is, and they'll name at least a couple countries from which where there ancestors are from. 

1 comment:

KaidaFire said...

I am stardust, an intergalactic traveler, from the distant past.