Thursday, June 5, 2008

New World of Music

From last weeks discussion that we had on the new styles of music and mixing different cultural melodies, I began thinking of my own experiences. My parents were born in Russia, and I still carry the culture here in America, even though I was born here. Art and music is big and Russia, and listening to some of the music over time, it has adopted new styles and even brought in other languages into its own songs. I think its interesting and not necessarily, as the argument was in class, that it is a symbol of it losing its own culture. With changing times and the world become so small, people dont belong to just one culture any more. Nowadays you ask someone what their heritage is, and they'll name at least a couple countries from which where there ancestors are from. 

Perfect Relationship?

This post is in response to a discussion we had in class a few weeks ago after watching the video clip of movie with the married couple and their "problems" in their marriage. I think that is true that we do need the bad and flaws in life in order to see the good and happy side of things. Especially in terms of friendships and relationships, someone who never complains or argues back is not really as good as it is intended or sounds to be. During the discussion on this topic that we had in class, I kept thinking of an episode of House that I watched a couple weeks prior, that was about a husband that was "too nice", which ended up being a medical disease.

You can find the episode online: No More Mr. Nice Guy :

Karma -

For the most part, I believe I have control in which direction my life goes in and what kind of person I am and become from what I do and what happens to me. But I do also feel that in the greater sense of things, there are those uncontrollable mysteries.  

For the past 2 weeks I've been taking that exact same train on the greenline at that exact time to go home, and last wednesday, I had a ride from buddy. When I saw that collision on the news later that day, I got the chill knowing I was supposed to be on that train, but for some reason on that Wednesday I didn't go. Kinda weird..

Here is a link to the article: